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New delivery of digital fruit machines

Devil Gaming have just received a new delivery of the latest fruit machines ready for our clients across the North West

New delivery of digital fruit machines

Digital Gaming for 2024

Devil Gaming have just taken a new delivery of the latest digital machines ready to supply and install to our customers through Blackpool and the North West.

With new machines being launched shortly, this could be a good time to review your current line up.

Category C Fruit Machines
Category B3A Fruit Machines
Category B4 Fruit Machines

The latest Fruit Machine AWP. Cat C from Devil Gaming

Fruit Machine AWP. Cat C also known as £100 jackpot fruit machines, these machines are the primary amusements found in pubs and bars in the UK and there are a wide range of them to choose from.

The latest Fruit Machine B3A from Devil Gaming

Fruit Machine Club – B3A also known as Club Fruit Machines with a £500 jackpot, private members’ club are allowed one Category B3A fruit machine,  these ticket pay-out machines are exempt from VAT and Machine Games Duty.

The latest Fruit Machine Club B4 from Devil Gaming

Fruit Machine Cat B4 also known as Club Fruit Machines with a £400 jackpot, only available to members clubs to enable you to complete with the bookies! We stock the latest Cat B4 fruit machines on the market and offer a very competitive rental price.

Get a free site survey

All our machines are available on highly competitive rates on hire or free on profit share agreement.
  • Free site survey with no obligation for instalment
  • Advice on positioning of machines to generate maximum income
  • A wide range of the latest, up-to-date machines and equipment
  • An honest, transparent, personalised service
  • Regular money collections that is counted, with profits split (for profit share)
  • The opportunity to change machines on a regular basis
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Speak to us

Do you own a business or commercial venue and want to learn how amusement and gaming machines can help you maximize profits and engage your customers, contact Devil Gaming today to learn more.
Gambling Commision
Devil Gaming is regulated and licensed by the Gambling Commission.
Licence Number 000-034946-N-316236-001